Saturday, April 18, 2009

We are almost a week out from chemo. I am starting to see some of the side effects. Jon has had a headache every day. He is actually complaining of nausea now more that he did while taking the pills. He has a weird look to his eyes. I am not sure how to describe it other than it looks like he is looking through you. When you look at his eyes its like he is not there. His right eye is droopy more than normal and his left eye reminds me of how it was right after his brain surgery. Other than that though he is doing fairly well. He has mellowed out which makes me sad. You can tell he just doesn't feel well.

It has been a rough week. Seems that when it rains it pours around here. Joshua has an ear infection in both ears. Mya has cried and screamed the entire week and has not slept well. Driving home from Denver on Thursday was awful. We hit dense fog mixed with rain, snow, and hail. Since it was just me and 4 cranky children , it was quite stressful to me. Add to that the mixture of tears that had been building up for a week- its a miracle we made it home. As we pulled into town and made our last few turns, I heard a loud popping sound. Turns out the rear differential on my suburban went out. Thank God it happened so close to home! It is in the shop and hopefully will be fixed by the middle of the week. So much for having 4 wheel drive in the snow. =(

Adding to the already crazy events, I took Josh to the dr in the midst of the snow storm. Bravely, I drove to the store to get his prescription. I neglected to turn the lights off in the van while I was in the store. So I came out with the kids in an ice storm to a dead car. Thanks to Shawn and Kelly who came to my rescue- jumped my car and drove me home.

Thankfully the evening went better than the day. Thank you for praying. This journey has just begun and we need the strength of God to make it. I will share more later. I am going to try and get things back into order today. Forgive me if I don't answer the phone- I appreciate your calls and your love. I need a few days to refresh. Love you all.

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