Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thank you for your prayers for Jon these past couple of days. He did snap out of his "cold" spell and warm back up. He has done incredibly well this week- of course true to how it always goes with him he became one of the 5 in 100 kids who have vomiting with this chemo. Thats the way it seems with him- if it isn't supposed to happen it will and if it is it won't. Go figure.

He participated in field day today with his class. It is always so neat to watch the way the kids interact with him. He has a special group of kids who really reach out to him and love on him. It was scorching here though so we only stayed a little while.

Just a quick note for all of you- the other kids are part of a program called Supersibs. They send the kids things to encourage them as the siblings of a child with cancer. Sometimes the sick child gets all the attention, gifts, and cards. So this organization goes out of their way to make the siblings feel special in their role. You can find out more at Brittney and Jason have their very own care pages. If you have a minute go visit their pages and support them.

Go to

Brittney's page is brittybearsplace

Jason's page is joyfulshark

Thanks! This will mean a lot to them.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly!
Keep your chin up! You are truly an inspiration! Take care!

Lovestoworship said...

Hey Kelly! I love you!!! Oh, can I have the full link to Britbrit's and Jason's page??
I miss you guys!

Your cuz,

Kelly Stockwell said...

I think you have to register on the care page homepage and then put the name of the page you are visiting. It is
Brittney's is brittybearsplace
and Jason's is joyfulshark.