Thursday, June 05, 2008

Tonight I am sitting here watching the minutes turn this night into morning. I am so overwhelmed by the greatness of the God who calls me his. I am just so incredibly blessed. The past few weeks have just been a collection of his reminders of his love. I feel so alive and so close to the Lord in a way I haven't in a long time. There is a part of me that wonders when this dream will end and I will wake up and find myself back in reality. Oh, I am praying that this will become my new reality. Just to be content with what God has chosen for my life.

Here is a sampling of the many blessings I am pondering tonight:

* I have a wonderful conveniece called a dishwasher! After eleven years of washing dishes (and watching them multiply as the years have gone by!), I finally have a dishwasher. I never knew what a difference this would make in my is so much easier to maintain a clean kitchen!

* I realized just the other night that Jonathan has outlived the "life expectancy" his diagnosis carried with it when he was first diagnosed. I have no idea if the amount of years has changed and I don't really care. What I am so thankful for is that inspite of all the tears, heartbreak, and fear I have been given 6 more wonderful years with my precious child. I don't know what the future holds for him but I am thankful for today with him.

* We discovered, thanks to my good friend Gretchen, the goodwill store today. Oh what a wonderful place to treasure hunt.We came home with 2 new hockey sticks, a cozy coupe car for Mya, a bagfull of books for Brittney and Jon, and 2 videos for Jason and spent very little money!

* Most of all tonight I am so blessed by an incredible husband who endures, encourages, and supports me in all my random craziness. He has participated in more room remodels and redecorations than he has enough fingers to count. And he always so willingly stops on his way home to bring home dinner when I have become so involved in my project that I forget to feed my family! At least they have comfy places to sleep, right?

Anyway, I better get to bed...I am sure the littlest blessing will be crying for me shortly anyway!


Anonymous said...

Amen! It's a nice reminder that when things get hard, to count our remember all the good in the bad.
Love ya!


Unknown said...

You are a blessing too Kelly. To your family, to your friends, to the people who come here and read what you write. God uses you just as He uses your family. That's the beauty of it. Thank you for the wonderful reminder that we can take joy in the simple things God has placed in our lives during the valleys just as much as in the ornate moments where we are on the mountain tops. You are in my thoughts and my prayers.

Your Sis,
Sarah Marie