Thursday, January 11, 2007

With a new year has come new challenges and what I hope will be a new adventure. Jonathan was diagnosed with celiac disease just prior to Christmas. This diagnosis could be the answer we have searched for over the past 4 years. While it will be difficult at first, the required diet change for the entire family will reap benefits over time. We should all be much healthier!!!! I am hoping and praying that the wheat free/ gluten free diet will make a difference in our moods and some of the adhd behavior.

School started back for our kiddos yesterday. Jason has shocked us two mornings in a row. After a week of anxiety and refusing to go back to school when the day finally arrived he was awake at 5 am ready to go. Today he was rushing everyone out the door. Praise God!!!! I am so thrilled each morning that we don't have to drag him out the door and hand him over to the teacher with him screaming and clinging to us. He breaks my heart and makes me want to just hold onto him and never make him go.

I start school again next week... I am not sure that I am ready. I always get nervous that I won't be able to devote the time necessary to do well. But it always works out in the end. I just have a little more on my hands than I did the last semseter. I am only taking one class now so maybe it won't be too bad.


Lovestoworship said...

Heidi here. I have a blogspot blog but usually don't use it. Now that I know you're on...I'll go back to using it so we can comment on eachother's sites...:)
Love you!

Lovestoworship said...

I have a blog now!!! :)
